Implementation of High Sensitivity module at university level in Italy

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Experts from the metropolitan City of Rome Capital and its inhouse company Capitale Lavoro presented the “HS module – High sensitivity” module at the University of Molise, Master’s Degree in Teaching Education.
The blended learning module includes 1 credit (CFU) and it is a combination of classroom- based learning and remote distance learning formats, on the Moodle platform of the Molise university.
The module adopts a microlearning approach, a flexible training approach that delivers short bites of learning, each focusing on a single learning objective.
Microlearning assets are mobile-friendly, making them ideal for on-demand learning. Indeed, microlearning is a fast-growing educational trend that’s being adopted by schools, universities, vocational and training organisations, and businesses worldwide.
More than 200 students attended the first lecture and of these 87 chose the module in order to obtain a shortening of their degree program.
At the end of the module, students will develop a project work which will include a teaching unit targeted to children and an intervention targeted to teachers. The best project work will be awarded and published.
The module has been developed in the frame of the Erasmus + project “High Sensitivity Module in Human Science” coordinated by the WSEI University in Lublin.
A great way to welcome the European Year of Skills 2023!